Interview with Marija Dukic (Marketing and Office Manager – Datatex Belgrade)
Hello! How would you like to introduce yourself to the Datatex Magazine readers? Who are you? What are your passions and hobbies?
Hello, my name is Marija Dukić and I am a marketing manager in Datatex and the office manager at Belgrade branch office.
I have several years of work experience in the field of management, and I was also a teaching professor of Business Communication and Italian language. Throughout my PhD studies I tried to understand better the role and importance of communication in business environment. The combination of different work engagements and the thesis, gave me a great opportunity to get deeper understanding of communication processes from both sides, theoretical and practical.
I’ve always been fascinated by the power and the beauty of a word, by the importance of listening to each other. The way we communicate is the way we present ourselves to the world. For me, that’s the essence of marketing too.
I am passionate about ecology and I love sports of all kind, especially hiking and swimming. I have a 10 year old son, so with him and my husband I always have a good company for some outdoor activity.
I also like reading and writing over a glass of good wine.
When did you start working at Datatex? What do you remember about when you started working with us and the first year you worked here?
I came to Datatex three years ago. Unfortunately, at the time Covid was preventing us from living our lives normally and from travelling abroad. Being the office manager and a marketing manager at the same time, I had contacts with so many Datatex people from different branch offices on a daily basis via emails, Skype, Teams… We were in constant communication with no possibility to meet each other in person, so from the first year of my Datatex journey I still remember having a huge desire to finally meet all those people. At least, I got the chance to know all of my dear colleagues from Belgrade office, they are truly wonderful.
What do you appreciate most about your job and what are – in your opinion – the positive features and strengths of the Datatex world?
I mostly care about doing meaningful work and collaborating with great people. I appreciate being a part of a wider picture. I love the idea of meeting my colleagues every day at work. So for me, the team is what makes the Datatex culture. As the second great advantage, I would say that differences make us stronger and give us so many various perspectives on the same matter, especially because everyone feels free to express their ideas and opinions.
From a professional point of view, what has been the most important moment, and what has been the most significant accomplishment, that you have achieved since working at Datatex? Would you then also like to tell us a curious or funny story regarding Datatex?
For me as a marketing manager, every marketing task is a kind of achievement, for the simple fact that is shared between the entire marketing team. We always give strong support to each other and enjoy working together. However, if I really had to single out one special moment, it would be seeing us all together at ITMA this year, it was really an amazing experience.
If I speak as an office manager, I must say that I am always happy when we grow, both, locally and globally.
Even in funny sides I always see linguistics, for example, the way we pronounce each other’s names and surnames is amusing to me, but not only. I remember how surprised I was when I participated in first massive Teams call and when I realized that people I thought by name were women, were actually men and vice versa.
Intervju sa Marijom Dukić (Marketing and Office Manager – Datatex Belgrade)
Zdravo! Kako bi želela da se predstaviš čitaocima časopisa Datatex? Ko si ti? Koje su tvoje strasti i hobiji?
Zdravo, ja sam Marija Dukić, radim kao marketing menadžer u Datatex-u i kao office manager za filijalu u Beogradu.
Imam višegodišnje radno iskustvo u oblasti menadžmenta, a bila sam i profesor poslovne komunikacije i prevodilac za italijanski jezik. Komunikacija je oduvek bila polje koje me je privlačilo. Tokom doktorskih studija trudila sam se da bolje razumem ulogu i značaj komunikacije u poslovnom okruženju. Kombinacija različitih radnih angažmana i teze dala mi je odličnu priliku da dublje razumem komunikacijske procese sa obe strane, teorijske i praktične.
Uvek sam bio fascinirana snagom i lepotom reči, važnošću da slušamo jedni druge. Način na koji komuniciramo je način na koji se predstavljamo svetu. Za mene je to i suština marketinga.
Ja sam strastveni borac za ekologiju i volim sportove svih vrsta, posebno planinarenje i plivanje. Imam sina od 10 godina, tako da sa njim i suprugom uvek imam dobro društvo za neku aktivnost napolju. Takođe volim da čitam i pišem uz čašu dobrog vina.
Kada si počela da radiš u Datatex-u? Čega se sećaš iz perioda kada si počela da radiš sa nama?
U Datatex sam došla pre tri godine. Nažalost, u to vreme Covid nas je sprečavao da živimo normalno i da putujemo u inostranstvo. Kao office menadžer i marketing menadžer, svakodnevno sam imala kontakte sa toliko ljudi iz Datatex-a iz različitih filijala putem mejlova, Skajpa, Timsa…Bili smo u stalnoj komunikaciji bez mogućnosti da se lično sretnemo, tako da od prve godine mog rada u Datatex-u najviše se sećam upravo te ogromne želje da konačno upoznam sve te ljude uživo. Bar sam imala priliku da upoznam sve moje drage kolege iz beogradske kancelarije, oni su zaista izuzetne osobe.
Šta najviše ceniš u svom poslu i koje su – po tvom mišljenju – pozitivne karakteristike i prednosti Datatex sveta?
Uglavnom mi je stalo da radim smislen posao i da sarađujem sa sjajnim ljudima. Cenim što sam deo šire slike. Volim ideju da vidjam kolege svaki dan na poslu. Dakle, za mene je tim ono što čini kulturu. Kao drugu veliku prednost, rekla bih da nas razlike čine jačima i daju nam toliko različitih perspektiva po pitanju iste stvari, posebno zato što se svako oseća slobodnim da izrazi svoje ideje i mišljenja.
Sa profesionalne tačke gledišta, koji je najvažniji trenutak, a šta najznačajnije dostignuće koje si postigla u Datatex-u? Da li bi želela da nam ispričaš neku zanimljivu ili smešnu priču u vezi sa Datatex-om?
Za mene kao marketing menadžera, svaki marketinški zadatak je svojevrsno dostignuće, zbog jednostavne činjenice da svaki zadatak deli čitav marketinški tim. Uvek pružamo snažnu podršku jedni drugima i uživamo u zajedničkom radu. Međutim, ako zaista moram da izdvojim jedan poseban trenutak, bilo bi to naše učešće na sajmu ITMA ove godine, bilo je to zaista neverovatno iskustvo.
Ako govorim kao kancelarijski menadžer, moram da kažem da sam uvek srećna kada rastemo, kako lokalno tako i globalno.
Čak i u smešnim stranama uvek vidim lingvistiku, na primer, zabavan mi je način na koji izgovaramo imena i prezimena jedni drugima, ali ne samo to. Sećam se koliko sam bila iznenađena kada sam učestvovala u prvom masovnom pozivu preko Teams-a i kada sam shvatila da su neke osobe za koje sam na osnovu imena mislila da su žene, zapravo muškarci i obrnuto.