Double interview with Bojan Novakovic (Application Consultant – Datatex Belgrade Office) & Nemanja Petrovic (Application Consultant – Datatex Belgrade Office)
Hello! How would you like to introduce yourself to the Datatex Magazine readers? Who are you? What are your passions and hobbies?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIC: I am Bojan Novakovic and I work as Application consultant in Datatex Belgrade office.
My great passions are travelling and hiking.
NEMANJA PETROVIC: My name is Nemanja Petrovic, employed at Serbian branch office in Belgrade as an Application Consultant. I enjoy riding bicycle and I am a dedicated student of guitar and all things music.
When did you start working at Datatex? What do you remember about when you started working with us and the first year you worked here?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIC: I started to work for Datatex in 2015. In order to get full training, I moved to Milano which was whole new challenge for me. Everything was new and NOW application, as complex as it is, seemed hard to grasp. Luckily, I started working with my mentor Gaetano Tonello and with his help I got introduced in business processes and NOW application itself.
NEMANJA PETROVIC: I started in 2016 as a Sales Manager for SEE under the guidance of Claudio Meani. I worked with textile for many years so it was somewhat helpful in a way that I needed to focus more on learning the ERP side of things. Over the course of years, I began to look for more ways to learn about the configuration and setup which has eventually led me into Consulting aka Delivery department which is obviously a whole new ball game compared to Sales.
What do you appreciate most about your job and what are – in your opinion – the positive features and strengths of the Datatex world?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIC: For me, the most beautiful thing is the fact that we work in a multinational company, in which we make various contacts, solve problems together, can travel and constantly gain new experiences. We have professional and intellectual challenges that make us constantly learn and improve ourselves.
NEMANJA PETROVIC: I appreciate the learning part of it, being a never ending process obviously. As frustrating as it can get it is really also rewarding to put multiple parts together and be able to watch how it all clicks together both from ours and from the clients perspective.
I would say that Datatex draws a lot of strength from the fact that throughout countless projects, whether Asia, Europe, Americas or wherever, our team is able to share the challenges between each other and someone, somewhere will have a creative solution.
From a professional point of view, what has been the most important moment, and what has been the most significant accomplishment, that you have achieved since working at Datatex? Would you then also like to tell us a curious or funny story regarding Datatex?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIC: In August 2022 I did implementation in Propex Hungary. I was the project lead and that was the most challenging and demanding task I have ever had. The Implementation ended successfully and the customer was satisfied with the solution we delivered, which made me very happy.
One of the stories I like to tell is now funny, but when it happened it was not so funny. During the business trip in Belgium, it happened that I forgot my backpack on a train.
By the time I realized that the rucksack and laptop in it are away from me, the police already seized it because they suspected there was a bomb inside.
It took a while to get it back, and it was stressful at the beginning, but now me and my colleagues remember it with a smile.
NEMANJA PETROVIC: I am not sure if I would single out any particular moment till now as being the most important. I enjoy the process, with all the ups and downs and the fact that if you plan steps carefully it will yield a result in the end.
I have many funny stories, but the kind that are only shared over a drink or two.
BOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ (Application Consultant – Datatex kancelarija u Beogradu) & NEMANJA PETROVIĆ (Application Consultant – Datatex kancelarija u Beogradu)
1. Zdravo! Kako biste želeli da se predstavite čitaocima Datatex magazina? Ko ste vi? Koje su vaše strasti i hobiji?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ: Ja sam Bojan Novaković i radim kao application consultant u Datatex kancelariji u Beogradu.
Moja velika strast su putovanja i planinarenje.
NEMANJA PETROVIĆ: Moje ime je Nemanja Petrović, zaposlen sam u srpskoj filijali u Beogradu kao application consultant. Uživam u vožnji bicikla i predano se bavim sviranjem gitare i muzikom.
2. Kada ste počeli da radite u Datatex-u? Čega se sećate kada ste počeli da radite sa nama, posebno prve godine?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ: Počeo sam da radim u Datatex-u 2015.godine. Da bih dobio punu obuku, preselio sam se u Milano što je za mene bio potpuno novi izazov. Sve je bilo novo, uključujući NOW aplikaciju, koja je tako složena, izgledala teško razumljiva. Srećom, počeo sam da radim sa svojim mentorom Gaetanom Tonelom i uz njegovu pomoć sam se upoznao sa poslovnim procesima i samom NOW aplikacijom.
NEMANJA PETROVIĆ: Počeo sam 2016. kao menadžer prodaje za jugoistočnu Evropu pod vođstvom Klaudija Meanija. Radio sam ranije sa tekstilom dugi niz godina, i to mi je donekle bilo od pomoći, ali morao sam da se više fokusiram na učenje ERP aspekta. Tokom godina, počeo sam da tražim više načina da naučim o konfiguraciji i podešavanju, što me je na kraju dovelo do odeljenja za konsalting ili isporuke, što je očigledno potpuno nova igra u poređenju sa prodajom.
3. Šta najviše cenite u svom poslu i koje su – po vašem mišljenju – pozitivne karakteristike i snage Datatex sveta?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ: Za mene je najlepše što radimo u multinacionalnoj kompaniji, u kojoj ostvarujemo razne kontakte, zajedno rešavamo probleme, možemo da putujemo i stalno stičemo nova iskustva. Pred nama su profesionalni i intelektualni izazovi koji nas teraju da stalno učimo i usavršavamo se.
NEMANJA PETROVIĆ: Cenim deo učenja, jer je očigledno u pitanju proces koji se ne završava. Koliko god da je frustrirajuće, zaista takođe donosi ogromno zadovoljstvo kada sastaviš više delova u jednu celinu i kada si u mogućnosti da gledaš kako se sve to savršeno uklapa, i iz naše i iz perspektive klijenata.
Rekao bih da Datatex crpi veliku snagu iz činjenice da kroz bezbroj projekata, bilo da se radi o Aziji, Evropi, Americi ili bilo gde, naš tim može da međusobno podeli izazove i uvek će neko negde imati kreativno rešenje.
4. Sa profesionalne tačke gledišta, koji je najvažniji trenutak o koje je najznačajnije dostignuće koje ste postigli od kada radite u Datatex-u? Da li biste nam takođe ispričali neku zabavnu ili smešnu priču vezanu za Datatex?
BOJAN NOVAKOVIĆ: U avgustu 2022. izvršio sam implementaciju u firmi Propex Hungary. Bio sam vođa projekta i to je bio najizazovniji i najzahtevniji zadatak koji sam ikada imao. Implementacija je završena uspešno i kupac je bio zadovoljan rešenjem koje smo isporučili, što me je veoma obradovalo.
Jedna od priča koju volim je sada smešna, ali kada se desila nije bila tako smešna. Tokom službenog puta u Belgiji desilo se da zaboravim ranac u vozu.
Kada sam shvatio da su ranac i laptop u njemu daleko od mene, policija je već sve zaplenila jer je sumnjala da je unutra bomba.
Trebalo je vremena da mi sve to vrate nazad, i na početku je bilo stresno, ali sada se ja i moje kolege sećamo toga sa osmehom.
NEMANJA PETROVIĆ: Nisam siguran da li bih neki trenutak do sada izdvojio kao najvažniji. Uživam u procesu, sa svim usponima i padovima i činjenicom da ako pažljivo planirate korake, to će na kraju dati rezultat.
Imam mnogo smešnih priča, ali onih koje se prepričavaju samo uz piće ili dva.